Word of the Day in Image and Prose

The challenge: photographs and words about the word of the day from dictionary.com. Can i handle it and be creative enough to illustrate simple words? Who knows. But at least I'll expand my vocabulary.

Monday, March 14, 2005


Word of the Day for Monday March 14, 2005

\nih-MY-uh-tee\, noun:
The state of being too much; excess.

What a nimiety of . . . riches have we here! I am quite undone.
--James J. Kilpatrick, "Buckley: The Right Word," National Review, December 23, 1996

Just as daily life contains all the comforts of what one owns, there is also a natural shedding or forgetting and a natural dulling, otherwise one becomes burdened with a sense of nimiety, a sense (as Kenneth Clark put it in his autobiography) of the "too-muchness" of life.
--Nicholas Poburko, "Poetry, Past And Present: F. T. Prince's Walks in Rome," Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature, January 1, 1999

Nimiety is from Late Latin nimietas, from Latin nimius, "very much, too much," from nimis, "excessively."
Definition of excess:
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Nimiety of ugly 80 prom dresses:
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Nimiety of raw food for raw food boy:
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