Word of the Day in Image and Prose

The challenge: photographs and words about the word of the day from dictionary.com. Can i handle it and be creative enough to illustrate simple words? Who knows. But at least I'll expand my vocabulary.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Word of the Day for Thursday March 10, 2005

\LAK-ruh-mohs\, adjective:
1. Given to shedding tears; suffused with tears; tearful.
2. Causing or tending to cause tears.

At the farewell party on the boat, Joyce was surrounded by a lachrymose family.
--Edna O'Brien, "She Was the Other Ireland," New York Times, June 19, 1988

I promise to do my best, and if at any time my resolution lapses, pen me a few fierce vitriolic words and you shall receive by the next post a lachrymose & abject apology in my most emotional hand writing.
--Rupert Brooke, letter to James Strachey, July 7, 1905

The game is perpetuated by the sons in a sometimes vicious sibling rivalry that inevitably subsides into lachrymose reconciliation.
--Arthur Gelb and Barbara Gelb, O'Neill: Life With Monte Cristo

Meanwhile, a lachrymose new waltz, "After The Ball Is Over," was sweeping the nation.
--Benjamin Welles, Sumner Welles: FDR's Global Strategist

Lachrymose is from Latin lacrimosus, from lacrima, "tear."
Sad movies-Beaches and Philadelphia
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Death of Jim Henson
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Spilled milk
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Torture...well Falun Gong, but that is torture
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