Word of the Day in Image and Prose

The challenge: photographs and words about the word of the day from dictionary.com. Can i handle it and be creative enough to illustrate simple words? Who knows. But at least I'll expand my vocabulary.

Monday, April 25, 2005


Word of the Day for Monday April 25, 2005

\sin-TIL-uh\, noun:
A tiny or scarcely detectable amount; the slightest particle;
a trace; a spark.

In victory, they must hold on to at least a scintilla of
humility, lest they get too cocky -- and ripe for a
--Bill Breen, "'We are literally trying to stop time,'"
[1]Fast Company, May 2000

"I bear her not one scintilla of ill will," he said.
--Sarah Lyall, "That Harriman Book," [2]New York Times, May
4, 1994

There was never a scintilla of doubt, or a hint of
equivocation, in Michael about his commitment to the party.
--"Ferris's decency and sense of fun recalled," [3]Irish
Times, March 23, 2000

Scintilla is from Latin scintilla, "a spark, a glimmer, a
faint trace." Also from scintilla is the verb scintillate, "to
A scintilla of light filters through the buildings
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A tiny sparkle of light on the street as it got dark in midtown
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a small amount of diet dr. pepper, the essence of it
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a scintilla of cookie crumbs
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