Word of the Day in Image and Prose

The challenge: photographs and words about the word of the day from dictionary.com. Can i handle it and be creative enough to illustrate simple words? Who knows. But at least I'll expand my vocabulary.

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Word of the Day for Thursday April 28, 2005

\pyoo-suh-LAN-uh-muhs\, adjective:
Lacking in courage and resolution; contemptibly fearful;

Evil, unspeakable evil, rose in our midst, and we as a
people were too weak, too indecisive, too pusillanimous to
deal with it.
--Kevin Myers, "An Irishman's Diary," [1]Irish Times,
October 20, 1999

Under the hypnosis of war hysteria, with a pusillanimous
Congress rubber-stamping every whim of the White House, we
passed the withholding tax.
--Vivien Kellems, Toil, Taxes and Trouble

You are now anxious to form excuses to yourself for a
conduct so pusillanimous.
--Ann Radcliffe, The Italian

Pusillanimous comes from Late Latin pusillanimis, from Latin
pusillus, "very small, tiny, puny" + animus, "soul, mind."
Headshot of the cowardly lion I found:
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I took this earlier this year of a Macy's window, Fonzi Bear as the cowardly lion
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Small brained organism/soul:
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this morning, a taxi cut off a biker. the biker got pissed and used his radio to get lots of messengers to confont this taxi. To me that's cowardly, if you have a beef, go mano-a-mano. don't call in reinforcements dude:
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